06 March, 2007

Long and Skrong

I have been natural now for maybe like 6 years and I finally pressed a portion of my hair out just to "see" how long it was. I was so shocked to realize it was like 14 inches long!! It is longer than it has ever been since my childhood!!! I want to rock it long and straight for a wedding that I am going to next month. I hope that I can find a good heat protectant--to preserve my curls! Just wanted to document how much growth I have experienced in what seems like such a short time!

1 comment:

Shai said...

Hey Keelah. I wish I could deal with being natural. I stopped perming 2 1/2 years ago. I have had breakage and shedding. I mainly wear braids, hairpieces or wigs. It is when I try and wear my own hair that is a problem. It gets so dry and when I do press it it does not stay long. I am teetering on the line of natural and relaxed. I have thought about twists or locs.

PS. Email me about the writing groups in the D.