22 March, 2007

Friends! How many of us have them?

I was on Ms. Monicas site and she asked a question...what do you do when a friend hurts your feelings? And my answer, which is the honest to God truth is to not speak to them anymore. And that is sad. It made me sad to admit it...and I hurt. Because I dont have any friends. I mean I have people around me that I can talk to...but I dont have any real- genuine FRIENDS! That I would love to take a trip with, or hang out with, or shop with, or do anything with. Now I didnt think it was that bad, but in reality it kinda is. I mean I dont have not one human on this earth where I can go to just...be. So anyway...I met this chick yesterday in family dollar, and we talked for about an hour about natural hair, and recipes for conditoners, and the bible, and relationships, kids, astrology, music, all types of stuff....I'm thinking this chick is cool but I was ready to go...so I gave her my number thinking "okay she can be my friend" Is that sad? But anyway thats what I was thinking, cuz we had so much in common--then we go outside...cuz I'm tired of being posted up at her job...and she gets to talking about going out on the weekend...we go from talking about living like Jesus-- from the heart, following the Lord to getting drunk and high and sleeping with guys that go to get girls at the strip club. sigh Im like WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Where did all our similarities go? I am NOT hanging with a person who thinks that is fun!!! ''To carry yo own rubbas and get down with the horny dudes on 8 Mile!!!'' It was so funny yall--she went from speaking proper english to talking bout scheming on n*ggas to get some quick d*ck! DUDE! What the? I hope she does NOT CALL ME!


Anonymous said...

Bawwwwhaaaaa Bawwwwwahhhh!! LMAO!

sorry :0(

Shai said...

She's an 8 Mile hoe. Dang! That is strip club stretch. LOL.