14 May, 2007

To my son

14, May 2007

Dear Jeremiah,

I intended to write this to you yesterday, but as you may or may not know about me yet…I can be a bit tardy at times. But I just wanted to write you this letter to say THANK YOU. Thank you for all that you are and all that you have taught me. You are the most beautiful boy in the world…and I love you beyond words. Your smile makes me melt and your “laughs” make me…well laugh. Your laughs sound like you are doing a stinky in your diaper. I want to say thank you for making mothers day a day that I can celebrate now. I want to say thank you for teaching me more in 6 months, than life has taught me in 27 years. I want to say I deeply appreciate your love and presence in my life. You are truly a gift from God! I know that one day you will be all grown up and won’t need me as much as you do now...but I hope that we will always have a great relationship and that you know you can ALWAYS come to me. For anything. I love you so much and my deepest prayer for your life is that you always remain ONE with your soul. That you always know who you are and make all of your decisions from that place. I wish you success, and happiness, high self esteem, love, and just perfection in your life. I know that you are a strong willed young man, because you are a strong willed baby. You don’t crawl yet…but you can move mountains (and your parents) with just one smile! I love you, J. You are the man! And I am so excited over being blessed to get to watch you grow and develop into the wonderful young man that you are right now. I am so proud of you…and I am so thankful that I’m your mom. I will love you Always and Forever. Til’ the end of time and beyond.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, It reminds me so much of me "an artist camouflaged as a receptionist" I feel like my life most times is a movie I would watch and be like wow..