02 May, 2007

Such a Beautiful Morning!

I had such a wonderfully exhausting morning. I had an appointment with my son...so I was going to go in late for work. I was able to sleep til I was done...Woke my baby up with a song...He smiled SOOOO BIG! I melted. I fed him his bottle in the still of a soundless morning. Gave him a bath...got him dressed. Brushed his hair...All these things that I didnt realize I missed by working so early. It was SOO nice yall. Walking around humming like we had nothing to do...but enjoy each other. Naturally that casuale attitude had us 20 minutes late for our appointment...but we were having a moment. haha I realized that THIS IS THE WAY I WOULD LIKE MY MORNINGS TO BE! I would like to get up and instead of the first thing I do...is rushing to get myself ready for work...then sneaking him a kiss in his sleep...I want to get up and see my son smile. Interact with him. Laugh with him. It was so...pleasant! That word doesnt seem cool enough but the vibe was definately one I loved. Now once we left the house...it was on! Places to be, questions to answer, requests, signatures, feeding information, vaccinations-TOO MANY THOUGHTS! We still had fun! He weighs a whopping 18 lbs now...which is why I am out of breath when I carry his big ole butt in his carseat! Well I took him back home...and then trudged into work...Its okay...but I keep having flashbacks of his smile, cuz he normally wakes up growling. I wonder did he notice anything different. Did he even notice that he normally doesnt see me that early in the AM? Probably so huh? He's a baby...but very aware of his life I guess. Well anyway....I go to my first prenatal this afternoon...so I am so excited about coming late and leaving early...hopefully I will get to hear her heartbeat today! Assuming that I am far enough along. I cant wait to go shopping this time around. I didnt really dress up with my first pregnancy...I was too busy trying to squeeeze my azz in my regla clothes (damn denial is deep)...but this time I want to stay cute! After all, the last thing I want to be a tired looking mama! Even tho I SO am! wink Well just wanted to share...things are looking up. Or I'm looking up...one. Either way...the mood is good and my spirit is light! I hope you all are having a wonderful day! Love.

1 comment:

Sweet KeiKei said...

glad to see your day is going good!!!
i swear...there's nothing like those cute little faces smiling in the morning!