04 June, 2007

Boot! Here we come!!!!

I may be moving to Louisiana!!!! I am not wanting to get all excited about it...cuz this is the second time in the last year that it has been a possibility, but it seems more likely this time. First of all let me say that living in 'the boot' has been a dream of mine since I visited there 3 years ago. It was literally THE BEST time of my life! There was something about the "atmosphere"...and that southern hospitality...I cant say enough about it...so Imma stop now. I loved it with all my heart and soul. And I believe that I will be moving there after my child is born. The drawbacks...well my family is here...the good things...I have TONS of family there!! and they are awesome!! I never felt so much love in my life!!! I love the openness and quiet beauty of the south. I loved the energy of the people. I love the way living there MADE me into an outdoorsy person. I love the way it was slow and REAL. Its hard to explain the mark that Sweet Louisiana left on my soul...but I could never EVA forget it!!!! I think it will be a wonderful place to raise grounded children...and I am just so excited!! My man is leaving in 2 weeks to go and work down there...from what my brother in law says...there is an infinite amount of work to do (construction) and that is what he does...so he's leaving. I will be bare foot pregnant with a baby at home... but the sacrifice will be well worth it if at the end of the year...I get to LIVE there. I cant wait. I am a country girl deep down in my heart...and I cant wait to align my heart and life!! Wish us luck!!!


Sweet KeiKei said...

good luck...sounds like it's a good move! xoxo

Lisa Steptoe said...

Good Luck...I'll be praying that your dream will come true.

CreoleInDC said...


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Chica....It sounds like you will find peace there!!! I agree with the love of the south sentiment...I felt that too when I visited Texas...