21 January, 2008

What I learned from the Fed Ex guy!!!

Happy Monday all! I hope you all had a FABULOUS weekend! Mine was okay. But you know whose was great??? The Fed-Ex guy! I asked a few people how their weekend was, and I get the normal, "nice, relaxing, boring and the occasional great!" But when I asked the Fed-Ex guy...he made me pause and look at him, because he responded, "Oh it was WONDER-FULL!"... and I could tell that he meant it. He said it with such a fondness...I told him how AWESOME that was and how rare that people actually said it that way. He went on to tell me...he had pampered himself all weekend--he deserved it! HE DESERVED IT! And he bounced his happy azz on out of the office, oblivious to the TREMENDOUS impact he had just made on my life. I am feeling guilty for being in the bathroom too long, and he took a whole weekend for pampering! And the benefits showed. Nice huh? Thanks Fed-Ex guy!

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