24 August, 2007


I am feeling heavy lately. My insides feel like they weigh a TON! I know that I can alleviate this by just TALKING to my man about how I feel. But that is really proving to be more difficult than I could have imagined. I am going to mess around and have an anxiety attack from all of the feelings that I am trying to stifle. I can feel myself literally moving things around to not show myself. Its hard work. But honestly, its the way I do things. For most of my life. I dont like uncomfortable feelings, so I usually try to convince myself that I'm not having them. Only this time...its not working so well. They are there. They are with me when I awake, as I work, on my commute, when I talk to others, and even infiltrating my dreams. My true feelings are there...threatening to expose my heart and ruin the hard and 'controlled' exterior that I have tried to create for myself. I am afraid. I am afraid because for the first time in my life..I NEED - And I cant hide it. I cant talk my way out of it...cant make believe that I dont. There is something inside of me that I cannot deny. And my inability to hide it...makes me feel weak. I dont want this. This cannot be...but it is. And that scared me. I feel like I am unraveling at the seams. I am losing my friggin mind! My heart is closed. And I feel it opening...and that scares me. Because along with loving fully...I will be fully exposed. Naked. Open to be......touched. And I'm not sure thats what I want. I want to be embraced...but not held. Felt, but not touched. Loved, but not open. And I know that these are impossibities, one cannot exist without the other...but what am I to do? Fear has me frozen. For the first time in a long time...my need for love...is much larger than my fear of it. And I dont know how to let go...and just embrace the emergence of need. What do I do with it? Do I stomp the ground trying to satisfy it...or is it enough just to admit, the hardest thing that I have ever had to admit...I, Wakeelah...need.


Anonymous said...

Start right there. Tell your hubby your fears. Intimate. Vulnerable. Tell him right there. Believe me, he is hoping you miss and need him. And the benifit for you? Well, you will be free and have that discussion with your man about how you do not want to become independent of him, you want to be with him. Even if it is not resolved quickly or easily, the intimacy that will come from that honest exchange will be beautiful. I hate asking for help too, so I do know this scary feeling like the back of my hand. I hate it, but I can't keep myself from exploring it and trying to grow and get comfy with it. This loving another person and being honest about how you feel is so damn hard. It will all turn out all right.


Anonymous said...

Hey again,

Have you ever thought about sending him a letter? You might even just want to cut and paste one of these post to let him know how you feel. I really hope you do soon, because I am worried about you.

"I am going to mess around and have an anxiety attack from all of the feelings that I am trying to stifle."

I understand that you might not be ready to deal with him right now, so if you can.....PLEASE take some time out to relax and maybe do something for yourself to releive some stress. For you and the baby.

Hugs and a puppy


Keelah said...

Kita..thanks so much...i feel better knowing someone understands this "thing".

Nic...I have thought about sending him a letter...and yet when I put the pen to paper...nothing comes out...yet on this blog...it flows...I may have to just copy some of these entries. and thanks for the hugs and the puppy! :)

Shai said...

Chile, Let it go. Holding it in causes so much stress on your body. I know that so well. Calmly tell him how you feel. Your body is already under stress carrying a baby and that in itself has so many emotional and hormonal issues. SMH. The preggars heightens everything. Yet, if you stay still and really listen to your heart it will not lie. Based on your previous posts, you have been keeping it down and he has been doing his thang for yall. Still you have to communicate how you feel. And he probably is feeling some things he may not know how to share with you too.

Write him a letter not just about your issues, start about how great he is and how you love him. Gentle words, use them. Then talk from your heart.

You HAVE to tell him it does more damage than good to hold it in. When it does come out and it will it could make things worse. I am sure you don't want to feel resentment and animosity towards him.

Keelah said...

Okay...Shai! If that was not the most excellent post ever!!! I'm reading it like...WOW...JUST WOW! Thank you for sharing. I am going to write this letter as soon as I get back from lunch.

jali said...


I read the entry before this after reading today's post.

The scariest thing I read so far is that you're afraid that you'll be okay without him. I understand that so well.

You CAN make it without him, but I'll bet it'll be better with him. I agree with the ladies - you've got to let him know.