01 August, 2007

A Bear is A Bear...

...No matter what it wears. That is the lesson from a very animated dream I had last night. I am a dreamer. Its something I look forward to every day. The rejuvenation of slumber and the revelations of my dreams. Lately I have had a LOT on my mind. Worries about the future, questions about the questions that I ask myself about decisions that I get to make. Faith, how to maintain it when my world does not immediately reflect the fruition of my deepest prayers. How can I know if what I am going to choose will be the right thing for my family? I have a FAMILY!! When did my ass grow up and have to make decisons like these? And all the while I worry that whatever I choose may not be whats best...some unforseen circumstance will come out of left field and taunt me..."I told you so! Nah nah nah NAH!" Well I have to trust that I have the vision necessary to make the best decisions. I mean if I cant make good decsions for ME then who can? I do not believe that God brings us anything that he has not equipped us to deal with. So I have to believe that if a bear (or challenge) is wearing a dress, that I will not only be able to immediately recognize it for what it is...but respond appropriately to the situation. I have to trust my instincts. I am excited...and nervous! Life is good. Because it IS happening. And Im glad I'm still here to get to live it!


Sweet KeiKei said...

happy to hear you're feeling good...keep up the momentum.

Shai said...

Those pregger dreams are a trip. LOL. I was told a woman has multiple conceptions when she is pregnant. I call it thoughts on high speed. I had some crazy dreams while pregnant. I am glad you are doing fine.

Anonymous said...

Dang girl.... I'm all nervous and excited too, like I have a life! LOL!

Seriously though, it's awesome that you are able to interpret your dreams like that and utilize them in your everyday life.

Keelah said...

Nic, sounds like youve been having a life to me!!!...I been to your spot! I know what you've been up to! [wink]

Muze said...

amen girl, amen. lol.