15 November, 2007


Today is my last day at work until the NEW YEAR!!! I am so excited! I am going to get to play SAHM! I cant wait! My son is so fun to be with...and now I'm not gonna be all tired from working all day to play with him. I'm not going to get paid...and that SUCKS! But...I am still very excited. I just have to budget well...especially with the holidays coming around. I'm so glad my children are too little to care about what they get or dont get for Christmas!! I know this wont last very long. So I'm fully going to take advantage of it now! We are decorating for our children the first time this year...so that will be exciting as well. I feel so grateful for this opportunity. I had hoped that I would get the chance to rest before our second child came and re-flipped the script on us. And I will. My man finally came back and just in time...my ankles dont appreciate me bearing all my weight on them anymore! Yay! Happy Thursday! :)


Sweet KeiKei said...

Hey Keelah...
Enjoy your time off and your children! God Bless!!!

Keelah said...

Thank you :)

Miss Awesome said...

yea! Good for you...enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I hope you got internet at home cause I wanna know when you have the baby!!!!!

CreoleInDC said...

Is the baby here yet? WE WANT PICS!

Miss you Princess!

Anonymous said...

Hi Keelah,

Sorry I've been gone for sooooooo long. Glad to hear that your hubby is back. You tell him I said that he better get ta rubbin those ankels :) I hope everything is still going well with you, and can't wait for your next post!

ps.When is the new bundle of joy supossed to arrive?

Anonymous said...

I hope you are okay...I was hoping for some sorta update heffa!
