07 November, 2007

So it shall be written...So it shall be DONE

I have had many goals that have slidden by the wayside because they only existed in my mind. {yep...in this world, slidden is a word!} I have read plenty of times that in order to make something happen, the first thing to do...is to get it written down. I write a lot of things down...but some of the most important things or things that make me feel MOST vulnerable or afraid, just.dont.make.it! I guess part of me knows that seeing plans on paper does hold a power of accountabiltity with it...And accountabilty is a word that repulses (read: scares) me in the worst way. But this is the deal. Life is about to change for me in more ways than one. Second child aside, I have a home business idea, that is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY!

The reasons being
1) I can do it...I do already. Even while I read blogs all day long.
2) There is a market for it...and its not beign tapped into in my area currently.
3) Its reasonably affordable for me to get started.
4) I have been in the industry for years now, so I know how to sell it and who to sell it to.
5) The income has the potential to be great! Future expansion is IMMINENT!
6) It can very well become my primary source of income , after a while of it being my supplemental income that helps me to reach my other financial goals.

Now the only thing stopping me is my FEAR...of success or possible failure...not sure which is dominant right now. They feel exactly the same...paralyzing! However there is something else accompanying it this time. The knowledge and real belief that I CAN DO THIS! Every day, I find myself researching what I need to know to make sure that when I do put myself out here, that I can feel as confident that I know what I need to know to make this work, and I am who I need to be to see it through. Please wish me luck. Its not so much about the money, or the benefits, its much more about the risk. Because I am SCARED AS HAYLE! And I'm going to do it anyway.

Homework for tonight: Write up my official BUSINESS PLAN!


Sweet KeiKei said...

I believe you are on the right track especially with the part about risk....I think you should read the daily devotional in the below link because you are right on point with it...God Bless!! XOXO


Keelah said...

OH.MY.GOD! Unknown...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THAT! Wow! I am sitting at my desk...with my mouth W-I-D-E OPEN! Thanks...be blessed as well! Its on! ;)

Afrodite said...

Just out of curiosity, do you have any business training and/or schooling?

The reason why I ask is becasue I've thought about becoming an entreprenuer but I think what holds me back is the fact that I don't have a lot of training. I'm a journalism major, I don't know the first thing about business.

Anonymous said...

YES YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! I believe in you! And I know you'll be great!

Best of (well I’m not going to say luck, because you already have everything you need to succeed)............. Wishing you the best!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes maam,
I believe you can do whatever you put your mind to do!!!

Good Luck and congrats on steppin out!!! I wanna hear more about it!!!

jali said...

Nike baby Nike.

Keelah said...

Afrodite...to answer your question (and mine) NO! I dont have formal business training, however the training that I have received on the job, I honestly think more than qualifies me to do this. But, sigh, the doubts plague me too...but I keep reading articles about young people, (most younger than myself) who saw a need and filled it and really made things happen with hardly any "qualifications" cept for drive and determination...so I keep thinking, Why not me??

Nic--THANKS!!! :D

Chokkk-Thanks so much!

Jali-lol I will! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Boop!

You've been tagged!!!

Lisa Steptoe said...

God Bless on you new adventure. You can do anything you put your mind to. Go for it.