02 July, 2007

Hearing Double???

I went to the doc on friday...for a regular prenatal exam. I am excited because this is the one where we schedule my ultrasound!!! So we talk...about my 8 lb. weight gain!!! Yep in just FOUR WEEKS. Girl been eating GOOD! OR not...perspective I guess...any way we get to the listening of the heartbeat...and to both our surprise it is LOUD AS MINE!! I'm lookin at her and she's looking at me...I'm thinking..."wow this baby is not shy at all...its like right behing my skin!!" She said..."that's pretty loud huh?". Then she drops the biggest bomb ever on me! I'm going to schedule your ultrasound for next week, I think youre having TW...TW....TWINS!!! [insert open space here] She said...you were feeling movement at 8 weeks! Your tummy is a bit larger than normal, your weight gain IS EXCESSIVE...and I have a set of twins that I am about to deliver next month...and this sounds just like their simultaneous heartbeat. [insert mental picture of me slapping this big ass smile off her face]. She goes on to tell me how she is SO EXCITED!! And she is just grinning from ear to ear! Then the baby kicked...and it sounded SO LOUD! She's like...Wow! They're playing! hahaha So I am not going to freak until after my U/S...It cant be this week because I wont be here, but since she is putting a rush on it, it should be early next week. [EXHALE] Wow! My man sounded excited! My mom is excited. And sadly...I'm wondering will I be able to afford a tummy tuck. Cuz I know that twins are going to rip my shapely abdomen to shreds! Oh yeah...and all the thoughts of having THREE BABIES IN DIAPERS!!! Me!! Three kids!! in DIAPERS!!! bwahahahhahaa God DOES have a sense of humor! He wants me to go crazy early in life, I guess! Well until next week...


chokkklitsoul said...

Keelah, girl....that is something!! I am at a loss for words girlie!!! I will be on pins and needles to find out the outcome! whew!!! Better you than me!!! LMAO!!!oops...my bad! one of GODS miracles!

Sweet KeiKei said...

I'm so EXCITED for you!!!

You know HE doesn't give us more than we can bear, right???

You also know that babies are a blessing, right??? So you got a DOUBLE BLESSING on your hands sistah!!! AMEN to that!!!

AWWWW....I can't WAIT to find out! Are there twins in either yours or your man's families???

Keelah said...

I KNOW!!! CANNOT BE-LIEVE IT! But like I said...not going to go there until after the U/S...but why do I have this feeling.....mmm-mmm...MMMM!

Keelah said...

Unknown--thanks for trying to make this "better". We both have a set of twins in our family...but only ONE!! I am trying to just keep sanity until the ultrasound...then I will post whats REALLY going on! I may lose my damn man...cuz Imma wanna be abstinent after this!!

Shai said...

Wow! Twins.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh! I used to be so scared of twins. I think that was from watching "The Shining". My ex has twin boys. Around the time they were 2 & a 1/2 they used to do this weird gibberish/baby/code/chanting-talk thing whenever it was time for me to leave. Looking back on it now...it's funny. But back then....lawd, I thought they were recieting spells, trying to lock me in the house - with them -FOREVER! hahaha. Anyway congrats.