02 July, 2007


My doc just called and set up my ultrasound for tomorrow afternoon at 2:15..and I am going to be somewhere in Ohio by then. They actually got the ultrasound for the very next business day, cuz doc thinks she is so sure!!! I want to postpone the trip...but we have a long trip ahead of us...and I really misses the Nardster! I have to wait until the 10th! I am so excited!! I would love to go tomorrow and take the good news (or better news) to the boot with me...but instead it will be as I expected...the following week! I am trippin!!! I hope its just one! And I pray that I can maintain a semblence of sanity and grace if there are more than one. May the Good Lord be with us all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Either way...congratulations & have fun on your trip.
