18 July, 2007

Match Made In Heaven

I am so blessed...and I am sure that God perfectly matches children and their parents. Cuz my boy is SO AMAZING! He is only 8 months...but he is fiercely independent. He loves to eat, and tries so hard to feed himself. He prefers forks to spoons (because he already aware that forks grab BIG foods...spoons pick up mush--and mush is for babies with NO teeth, not little men with TWO!). He sleeps well and all through the night! Many a parent is envious of that! HA HA! He doesnt like his diapers and takes them off ALL THE TIME! I know the feeling...when I'm at home...I prefer to be al-fresco also! He knows that when he practices keeping his pimp arm strong and slaps the dog shit out of someone....that a smile and an innocent face rights all wrongs. He knows that he can trust me to keep his sly and knowing smile that emerges later just between us. 'Cept that time he slapped me...didnt like that so much. He is so affectionate...something that he teaches me about daily. He feels you out...and if you're good people you will rewarded with the world's warmest hug! If not...you will know. Try again when your colors are correct. He practices his vocabulary daily...da-da, ma-ma, ba-ba and ya-ya--an occasional gan-ma...and his famous "huh?" when his name is called. He is just so smart and PERFECT! And the most perfect thing about him...the way he loves. I know he remembers how un-swift I was on the mommy thing...but he was patient and encouraging and supportive. And when I got it right...he smiled at me the way that only perfection can and let me know he is proud. The same smile that I gave him the first time he snatched his own bottle and took matters into his own hands cuz I was taking too long. I love my Miah Man...and I cant wait for us to meet his little brother. They are a pair of perfection and I am so thankful that I was chosen to be their mom. Love.


Shai said...

Aww, I remember those days. Funny, I share them with my daughter and she laughs. My child was an EATER. At 6 months, she was eating mashed up baked fish, mashed potatoes, big folks food. I still gave her some baby food but I would add a lil flavor for her. LOL.

I had to have a bottle schedule for here demanding feedings. LOL. If I missed a day I was hit. SMH. That girl can still eat now.

I miss my lil girl sometimes. *shedding a tear* The time goes by so fast.

Sweet KeiKei said...

awwww....that was so beautiful. i understand completely because even though i have a mouthy three year old, she's still more perfect than i could have ever imagined her being and i'm thankful to be her mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, That was the sweetest post ever. He sounds adorable.