20 September, 2007

...Speaking of Black Thursday

Well I know I didnt speak of Black Thursday...but I am well aware of whats going on today in Jena, Louisiana....and YES I AM WEARING BLACK FROM HEAD TO TOE! This is proof that I am having an excpetionally GREAT DAY! If you work in an office...then you may know what a toner phoner is. They call and ask for the model number of your copier is...the unassuming new person might check and tell them...then they mail you all sorts of pricey goodies for your machine...and by law...you have to pay. Well I am not a newbie...so this toner phoner calls in a very pleasant voice might I ad.

Toner Phoner- Hi! This is [whoever]...I am calling for the model number on your copier.

Me-Hmm? (in a pleasant tone) Did anyone call for service because there is nothing wrong with our copier?

TP-NO...but we call and check model numbers every couple of months.

Me- No thanks! (happily)
TP-Bitch! All your stupid ass has to do is give me the fucking number...{many more curse words}
Me-You are crazy...its not my fault you have a fugged up job...dont take it out on me [barely containing my laugh]
TP-Are you black? Yeah you're black...at first I thougt you were white...but now I hear the savage coming out in you...you must be a hoe too...Black hoe...you gone go home and fuck your black man???
Me-Why? Are you Jealous??? [wondering why I have not hung up on this fool]
TP-Stupid azz hoe, bitch, blah blah blah...
Me-Deciding that I HAVE to tell someone about this crazy ass man...so I cut him off.

I told the sales coordinator in our office...She thought it was a friend because I was smiling and laughing into the phone. Dude! For real? I was just in such disbelief...you dont have that happen every day...I was totally not expecting that...I did thank him for making my day more interesting tho. I loves crazy people! I do! I do!


Sweet KeiKei said...

damn...he just went off on you like that?!?!? that's crazy!!! u definitely handled it well!!!

Keelah said...

girl! I cant explain the mellowness of my mood. But I'm thankfull!

Sweet KeiKei said...

i wish i was more mellow....i swear i woulda cursed that man out and then felt bad about it later!!!

Anonymous said...

Dang....That was crazy!

Anonymous said...

Also...Is the "Ms." next to my name like "Miss Thang" or "excuse me miss...would you like this seat?"? LOL!

Little Brown Girl said...

LMAO!!! Reading this made me fall out laughing and I needed a laugh today...THANKS! There really are some crazy azz fuggin people out here...no really!!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u should chk out some of my books one day

Shai said...

Keelah, what's up. Where ya been? No posts. How is the pregnancy, when are you due? Did you talk/write the "hubby"? How did that turn out?