Today...I am TWENTY EIGHT years old!!! I feel great! Today is a GREAT day! The sales coordinator in my office asked do I feel older...and usually, I dont...but today I actually do. And its a good thing. I like 28. It feels very grown and sexy. Old enough...but nowhere near "old". I am a mother to a wonderfully spoiled son...with one more coming soon to a hospital near you. I am a great daughter, a loving sister, a good friend, a so-so A/P person (hey something had to give right?), I have my health, a roof over my head...GOOD food to eat every day, reliable --ish transportation. Money in the bank, a smile on my face...and clothes on my back. I have people that love me...and people that I love. I have goals. I have a fro! (yeah thats an asset!). I have optimism for the upcoming year! I have a beautiful mind...and few stretch marks! Well considering...haha! Its all good. There is nothing I need right now...IN THIS MOMENT! Cept maybe a drink...this is the second dry birthday in 2 years!!! Ah well...Happy birthday to ME!
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