25 January, 2007

Mens Jeans

Oh MY GOD!!! I was having an exceptionally good day yesterday. I was super affectual at work and learned somthing new, which are two feelings that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Well when I get home...my good mood is still there and Im happy. I mean, I really feel peace with myself and everything. Then it happened...something so seemingly harmless, but the impact was deep. I didnt feel it because I numbed myself sufficiently, but now I am starting to think about it...and I am not happy not one bit! Well the thing was I was going to run outside for a quick minute and the closest jeans were my mans. So slipped them on...as I have over the past 8 years that we have been together and then i noticed...they were staying up!! Now dont get me wrong...my man is not fat, but I have NEVER been able to put his pants on and not have to fold them up in my hands to keep them up...sigh. I turned around and THEY FIT! Now mind you when I showed him (with tears welling up in my eyes) He said...they are big...but that didnt make me feel better because they used to be HUGE! I have a mirror set up in my room that I can only see my body in-not my head. Doing that helps me to look at myself objectively. N-E Who!!! The point is that I can FIT a size 38 jeans--mens baggy jeans!!! sigh! Guess I have to do something about that huh?

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