29 January, 2007

Change is not an ideal...it is REAL!!!!

This may or may not sound like common sense to most people, but I am not most people. I was standing in my mirror that only shows my body yesterday and I noticed that I was holding my stomach in like I always do. (takes a helluva lot of effort, I'll tell you!) And I know that if I could actually stick to my diet that I could possible look like that. Then it occured to me...I wouldnt look like that, I would look waaay better because I would not just be a smaller version of my fat self. I would transform into a whole new self! A stronger self. A more efficient self. That realization blew my mind!!!! All these years I have been sucking in my gut and pinching my waist to try and determine what I would look like 'if only' I were smaller, and that was not doing me any justice. I couldnt fathom that I would not only look different. That my body would BE different. NOt kind of like it was, but totally different. The only reason that this hit me so hard was because that I truly did not believe that REAL change was possible. I have always imagined that if I were to change that they would be some weird alternate version of what is now. Not the case...this epiphany is HUGE! It means that I have been holding myself back from actually achieveing or accomplishing what I want becasue I do not believe it is possible. Now I know that it is. The only thing is to get there.

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