19 January, 2007

Baby Blues??

I wonder am I having a bit of baby blues...My son will be 3 months on the 22nd...and I feel so overwhelmed with all that I feel I have to do. He requires so much and I feel like I have so little actually available for him. I feel like maybe he chose the wrong mother, because most of the time, I feel incompetent, illprepared and just not ready for such a big responsiblity. To be honest...I thank God for my man! He is the BEST father in the world!!! With my son, he is so patient and attentive and understanding and willing to go further than I've ever seen him motivated to go. He is at his best! I love him so much! But me on the other hand...I feel withdrawn, and nervous and just not a good mother. On the days where I feel good...I feel like I can conquer the world, with my baby on my head (like those photos of some Africans) but on most days I feel like...Sorry and Pathetic! These are harsh words, and they feel as awful as their intent, I guess. I just feel like I need to be...better. Like I'm not good enough. I am struggling with allowing my feminity, so how am I to raise an emotionally healthy son? I have so many things that I have prayed for come into my life and I find that I am so afraid of having them, that I am putting it off...indefinately. And of course that is depressing as well. I know I sound gloomy, but this is not my whole life...There are more parts, some satisfying and exciting and some hopeful and encouraging...but motherhood is a large pill to swallow and Im struggling to really hold on to hope that I am good enough for him. I love him with all my heart, but I just dont know what to do...I feel like if I can quickly master my own life, that I could actually be of some good to him...but in this state of complete disarray...I feel worry. I feel hopeless and I feel ...blah blah blah... Enough of that...I am in the process of pulling myself out of this hole NOW... Just had to get that out! Thanks for listening.

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