I would want to die RIGHT NOW!
Have you ever been so unhappy that you just wanted life to end, so that your soul could be free? Maybe I could live another life, in a another universe. And in that universe...I'm okay, just the way I am.
I have so many things to be grateful for. I do. I KNOW this. But I cannot lie, even after looking at all these things, this terrible unhappiness is doing me in. I just dont feel like living much anymore. Usually being at work intensifies these feelings. Not that I dont like what I do...but because I dont want to do it right now. Does that make any sense. My job is fulfilling in a lot of ways... but my soul is just so restless playing small. Yet, I'm terrified of revealing my true nature. I'm so tired of being afraid, but I cant shake this feeling. This monkey on my back is gaining weight. I am not getting stronger carrying all these burdens...I am being worn down. I have visions of a happy life, a fulfilling life, a truly blessed life. And in some ways, I honestly do believe that it can be mine...but will it? In my heart, I dont believe it.
I believe that I am destined to do what I think others expect of me... be a burdened broke down single mom. Eventually running from man to man, searching for the love that little girl Keelah never got from Daddy. Trying to be all that mama tried to make her be. Trying not to repeat the past, but living the predestined role without opportunity for change.
I either starve my sorrows, or compulsively feed them.
I either ignore them, or chief and listen to them.
I know who I am...but I cant live it.
What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I so damaged...how can I fix it? Is it even possible?
I'm good people, I know it! But I'm so afraid. Of life, of love, of success, of failure. I am LITERALLY scared to breathe!!! (I hold my breath MOST of the time)
I feel like I am suffocating in this life! Literally unable to function... I want to go lay down under the covers and cry til I cant cry anymore.... but I cant even do that right!
I need an epidural...removal of all pain... I'm tired of being hurt... I'm just so, so tired.
My sons deserve better than this... but I am not better than this...and I'm all they've got!
I need a shot of faith...in the vein. I am dying today.... but the tragic part is...I will probably live until tomorrow...to suffer all over again. But if God is so gracious as to take my spirit from this wretched existence...then will my sons even know how very deeply I love them? How I pray so deeply that my love for them is enough... How I pray every night to wake up different. For them. To feel that I deserve them.
But...alas...I woke up, (late again) still this FUCKED UP MESS! God...why are you not ending this misery??? Why? If you love me so much...why not just KILL ME NOW!!!?????
I cant do this for much longer...I.just...cant!
You CAN and You WILL!!!!!!
You will make it through and then look back in awe at how strong you are not just for your boys but for yourself!
I'll be praying for you.
I understand. You will make it through all of it.
Thank yall! We shall see huh?
You know how to fix all of this. STOP BEING AFRAID of everything. That is of the devil...Either you are gonna live the Truth of the Word or you are gonna live the Truth of your emotions and continue to let them rule you.
You know why God is not ending your misery...Cause you are revaling in it. You may not be able to control a lot of things happing around you, but you CAN control your reaction to it. You can control your mind and your attitude.
Aint nothing wrong with you except you are letting your thoughts and emotions control rule you. CHOOSE! Chose to be happy, fearless, to breath and it will be so.
Ughh I was just feeling like this a few months ago...just tired of being alive. So I laid in bed for a week feeling sorry for myself and then I got up and told myself to shut the hell up and to look at all the people who have it worse- the poor orphaned AIDS babies in Africa and the homeless people right here in town and try helping someone else out instead of feeling so sorry for myself. Believe it or not, eventually it worked.
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