06 February, 2008

Talking White

I don't even want to go here, because this issue has been dragged all up and through the dirt so many times in so many venues, however my life begs me to consider it. Yesterday my mom called my job, and my friend said she sounded white...when I later brought this up to my mom, because it was funny to me. She got this really white "thing" in her voice and I could tell that she beamed with pride. Pride???? She went on to tell me how many people over the years have mistaken her for a white woman over the phone, and she said it like this was a good thing. Um...first of all I'm just gone say it. I believe there is a thing called talking "white" and its not necessariy talking in proper english, but there is a definite "difference" between the way that a white person speaks and the way black people speak. I dont believe that one is better than the other, but there are differences in dialect that are obvious. Please dont ask, What is talking white, because we all know what that is.

Now, I have a regular voice and a professional voice, but NEVER is it my goal to sound anything other than what I am, and never would I take pride in someone telling me so. I speak how I speak...mostly correctly, sometimes not. Always real...always me. It really hurt me to have that conversation with my mom last night, because when I offered my opinion that someone making a big deal over your dialect sounding white, is not a compliment, IMO...she FLAT OUT said it was. And argued me down about it, until I realized...this is not my battle. Its just a difference in our P.O.V. Again, I had to be faced with a few life facts:

1) I am not my mother, and thats okay.
2) We dont always have to agree.
3) I get a certain pleasure for opposing her views.
4) Usually cuz her views are just plain WRONG! LOL

My man was in the background talking about how somewhere along the way, she must've gotten a pat on the head so to speak for being able to assimilate into the culture that she found herself in (work)...and now she believes that is good. This is insane!!! The conversation was so long, and so heated that it cant all go here, but what do you think? Is it a compliment for someone to marvel at the fact that you sound um...white?


*Tanyetta* said...

Your mom is so cute. With her "white talking" self. *sigh* :)

My husband was a recruiter and one of the students came in to his office and the guy said, I thought you were white. You sound white on the phone.

Of course my husband just ignored the statement (you know cuz he needed that signature) LOL

Sweet KeiKei said...

i get this all the time but now i'm to the point where i ignore it.

Afrodite said...

I don't look at it as a compliment or a put down. I've been told I talk "white" for years. Usually I just ignore it and do me.

Sweet KeiKei said...

i guess i didn't answer the question right....i used to think of it as a put down because of the way it was said to me "ugh...u talk white!" now...i ignore it

Don said...

Funny post. I know you didn't mean for it be, but I smile because I recently had this same conversation with a female who voiced her opinions of another person sounding white.

I had to ask, "So does that mean she should be on her knees thankful to God that she doesn't sound black?!"

Anonymous said...

"Is it a compliment for someone to marvel at the fact that you sound um...white?"

Ummm.....I'm going to have to say "no". That's weird. Nothing at all against white people, or people who TRY to sound "white" (and yes, we all DO know what that's supposed to mean, even though it’s just a stereotype) but it just always seemed like a backhanded compliment to me. As if a black person couldn't be articulate.ever.in life.

I really feel sorry for the people who marvel at the difference. And think things such as proper diction/grammatical structure etc etc. can be claimed by one race or another. I know some country sounding white folk. (no “s” on the end of that “folk” lol!)

Good blog