16 October, 2008

Let it go....

Healing is a natural result of being wounded. In every sense of the word. Be it physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual. The existance of a wound necessarily means that its healing is also in existence.

Somtimes we dont realize this because pain we feel from our initial wound, or the residual feeling that we get when someone touches our private soft spots hurt so bad, that we feel we will be there forever. That is NEVER the case. The only reason anyone can stay in any type of pain is becasue on some level we have not let go of our 'attachments' to the painful part. There is an evolution to everything, and after pain, comes resolution. NO matter what the situation, this is the case. We would be best to realize and fully accept this.

When something hurts, feel it. Feel the hurt. Acknowledge the hurt...as fully as you can. Then let it go so that Life/God's cleansing energy can come thru and do what it does best. Heal. I dont believe time heals wounds, I believe wounds heal themselves...as long as we dont 'keep' them and make them our own. Thats the problem, most of us experience and injustice and then instead of letting it go, as a part of life. We hold it and coddle it. Keep it close to our chests. We talk about it, stew in the energies it manifests, share our stories with ourselves and preferably with others. We ponder it, think upon it, research it and try to 'understand' it. We give it the attention that we offer our most cherished love. We constantly seek clarity on the situation when the most important fact is already clear. You hurt. There is nothing to understand. It is... That is all! Let it go!


Shai said...

Great post again. I was wondering how you were doing. It is good to see you are healing. I needed this post myself. I will be printing it out. Thanks.

CreoleInDC said...

Looka you Princess! That was AWESOME! I'm so proud of you. That dark place isn't good for anyone to wallow in.

Lisa Steptoe said...

Amen...and Namaste

Mysti Blu said...

Another great post. This is something I really needed to see.