11 March, 2008

One less thing!

I had visions of having a new kitchen, so I thought that I was maybe previewing my dream kitchen...well my landlord came by this morning and told me he is about to gut and rebuild my old kitchen. New cabinets, shelves, a whole NEW layout!!! AWESOME! One less thing.

I wanted to get my carpet cleaned, before my son starts crawling,...that comes with my lease renewal!!! One less thing.

My man is studying for his builders liscense. He is about to start a Home Improvment Company here in Detroit. But...saving for all of the tools he would need, was going to take a while...His uncle, who used to do Construction before his accident, offered to GIVE him all of his tools. And these are not cheap tools. Unc only bought quality things! One Less thing to worry about.

My car has been violently shaking, and I kept putting it off until I had a nice chunk of change to invest in the fix-up. Part of me knew that I was playing with fire, driving it that way, but I just dont have a lot of 'extra' cash right now...Took it to a shop (best shop in the world), found that it is not as bad as I thought. Got the most important thing fixed this morning, and the VERY AFFORDABLE remainder will be done next week. Then my car will be like new! One less thing.

And on top of that...I lost another 2 lbs, without effort. My goals and my actions are finally in alignment! And yes...it IS GOOD!

My son used the potty for his first number 2 today!!! So excited. Hate that I missed it, I came into work instead of sitting around the house for the remainder of the afternoon. Gotta save my vacation days for a real vacation! Which I am seeing in the horizon. Now I dont know how its going to happen, but I'm sure there is a way! So...I'll keep ya posted!

I want to SCREAM!!!!

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But that will have to work!


Sweet KeiKei said...

i'm happy to hear that things are coming into alignment for you perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Dang...I'm bout to have you pick some numbers for me!