06 March, 2008

A day in the life...

It is sunny summer day! I am cute. Thats the scene. I am doing an interview for an up and coming health magazine for Detroit. Here is my interview:

Interviewer: Welcome Wakeelah, You look Great!
Me: Thank you so much!
I: I read your bio and your accomplishments are quite impressive. It says that had two children in two years, got married, started your business empire, AND lost 60 lbs. all in the same time period. I'm tired just thinking about how you did that? Whats your secret?
Me: Well its no secret really...I just relaxed in life and allowed it to guide me where I was needed. And everything just kinda worked out.
I: I find that hard to believe. Things dont just happen, you have to have had a plan or something?
Me: I know, I know...seems crazy. But it all started out with me taking more time for myself. Having two young children can definately cause an identity crisis, so just the opportunity to have that time was so crucial. It gave me the opportunity to do things for myself that I had been neglecting and just helped me to reconnect with my spirit. I am a naturally very mental person so grounding myself by working on my phsical self was the best way to go. I practiced yoga twice a week, ran every day, did weight training. Took mini vacays regularly...Just loving myself thoroughly helped me to enjoy life more and to be a better wife and mother and ultimately made me successful too! Its really a blessing. Its a great feeling!
I: Sounds like your plate is full?
Me: Yes my cup runneth over and its ALL GOOD! Taking care of myself gives me an abundance of energy that helps me to care for my family, friends and community. I just started my health ministry for young girls locally, a few months ago. I go to schools all over Detroit and talk to girls about the benefits of health-full living and how it can completely reshape their lives. I offer real-life tips that can completely change their experience of life, you know? And thats what its all about. Transformation, re-connecting with who you really are. You really can do anything! I am proof and I want to spread the word!
I: So if you had to offer five words that expresses your truth, what would it be?
Me: When in doubt, trust God! or better yet, In ALL things, God first!
I: Nice! Thanks for your time.
Me: Thank you for having me. Be blessed!

After the short interview, I go into the next room and kiss my husband and hug my kids. I tell them how it went. It was very laid back and beautiful. Stimulating. We all get into our new truck, that we won at the Casino and go to the Zoo! On the way we snack on our cut veggies that I packed in our travel cooler and sing along to the radio. We are livin' free and loving life! Dont get much better than that? Or could it...? Hmmmm?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite line from your interview......

"Yes my cup runneth over and its ALL GOOD! "

I'm so happy for you!
Have a great weekend!